Curriculum Vitae


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

PhD (2009) Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
Thesis: Explicitly Restarted Arnoldi’s Method for Monte Carlo Nuclear Criticality Calculations

MS (2005) Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Weber State University, Ogden, Utah
BS (2003) Physics

Professional Experience

Los Alamos National Laboratory

This is only a summary of activities. Please follow the links for additional information.

Nuclear Data Team Leader (January 2020–present)
R&D Scientist (October 2010—present)
X-Computational Physics Division, Materials and Physical Data Group (XCP-5)
Postdoc (August 2009–October 2010)
Nuclear Nonproliferation Division, Safeguards & Security Group (N-1)
  • Principle investigator of the Passive Neutron Albedo Reactivity with Fission Chambers (PNAR-FC) detector.
  • Created a Monte Carlo-based method of inferring plutonium content of spent fuel assemblies based upon a few simulations and the input parameters of the detector response and spent fuel assembly characteristics.
  • Created a package of Python scripts to facilitate the reading of MCNP input files, extraction of tally results, post-processing of results, and plotting results.

University of Michigan

Graduate Student Research Assistant (July 2003–August 2009)
Graduate Student Instructor
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences Department

Weber State University

Ott Planetarium Lecturer (January 2000–May 2003)
Physics Department


You can see an extensive list of my publications here

Students Mentored

I’ve been very fortunate to have mentored several great students. Look at my Students page for more details


  • 2021 United States Department of Energy, The Secretary of Energy Achievement Award Presented to the Spent Fuel Nondestructive Assay (NDA) Project Team
  • 2020 LANL Distinguished Performance Award Large Team Award: Spent-Fuel Nondestructive Assay Project Team
  • 2013 Graduate of Theoretical Institute for Thermonuclear and Nuclear Studies (TITANS)—Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 2013 Los Alamos Awards Program for MCNP6 and ENDF/B-VII.1 Development Team—Defense Program, United States Department of Energy
  • 2013 Management On-Ramp Endorsed—Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 2005 Outstanding Oral Presentation in Computing—Los Alamos National Laboratory Student Symposium
  • 2004 1st Place, Graduate Category—American Nuclear Society Student Design Competition
  • 2003 Outstanding Graduate Award—Physics Department, Weber State University
  • 2002 Beishline Computer Application Fellowship—College of Science, Weber State University
  • 2002 Best Undergraduate Poster—Four Corners Section, American Physical Society

Professional Service

  • WPEC Subgroup 43 (co-chair) (2017–2021)
  • WPEC Subgroup 38 (member) (2014–2018)
  • Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG) (2011–present)
  • XCP Student Liaison (2018–2020)
  • Program Committee (member), Reactor Physics Division, American Nuclear Society (2013–2018)
  • Technical reviewer:
    • American Nuclear Society:
      • Math & Computation Division (2010–present)
      • Reactor Physics Division (2012–present)
    • Annals of Nuclear Energy (2016–present)
  • XCP Recruitment, and Retention Committee (2011–2016)
  • ADX Computing Communications Committee (2016–2018)
  • XCP-5 Group Leader Search Committee (2012)
  • Bid committee PHYSOR 2013 at Santa Fe (2011)
  • NERS@50 Organizing Committee (2008)


  • Strong computer programming skills. Proficient in Python, C++, LaTeX, git.
    • Exposure to C and Fortran 90/95.
  • Experience running scientific codes such as MCNP, and NJOY.
  • Speak and read French.